Babatunde Alaran
5 min readMay 7, 2024


Let’s tell you about us

FitnessPal is a mobile application designed to help users track their fitness activities and monitor their nutrition

Our goals are meaningless without you- These are our goals

  1. To ensure that fitness enthusiasts get the best service when they are using the app for their daily exercise.
  2. Give them a flexible exercise routine because many of them are working class.
  3. Deliver an experience that is seamless and intuitive when it comes to the usage of the mobile app.
  4. To create a user-friendly and intuitive app that encourages users and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Problem can’t finish and this is why i try to navigate through the user’s mind — STATEMENT OF PROBLEM

People love to workout but they find it difficult to create time for it because of their busy schedule and those who have the time are lost on the type of exercise to do since they don’t really attend the fitness center or do personal workout.

It is necessary to have a clear image of what I want to design — DESIGN THINKING PROCESS

Thinking about the user is one key aspect for a better experience Empathize

In this step, I delved deeper into the fitness enthusiast routine, and I realized that the majority of them, preffered to exercise without the help of a gym instructor. They are self taught.

However, the user research focused on the pain-point that they even exercise themselves. They also prefer to exercise in the morning, and according to them, the major reason is because it helps them ease stress.

Survey- Quantitative Research

The survey received 50 responses, however by the time the data was evaluated, only 40 people had completed it.

Main findings:

100% of the participants have previously done exercise without going to the gym.

91.7% of the participants are aged between 18–26 years old.

54.2% of participants perform morning exercise and they are self-taught.

83.3% of the participants chose a tracking app over other means of tracker during their exercise routine.

77.5% of the participants prefer an app that recommends daily nutrition for them depending on their fitness routine.

Define and Prioritize

From the data I gathered from the empathize stage, I defined the main problems users of Fitness Pal commonly experience.

As a result, Iaslo noticed some of the issues had a significant impact on their overall experience. However, it is based on the evaluation from the survey; which says that a large number of the participants do their exercise from home, and use a tracker on their phone or their smart watch.

Solution from the findings

From the research, I realized that the participants exercise at home regularly. But they also find it difficult to track their exercise hours on. Well, with the help of fitness Pal, it will be easy for them to exercise on their own without no supervision; and also, know the kind of nutrition that goes with the preferred exercise.

User Persona

I created a user persona based on common patterns of the users’ behaviors. This helped me to solve what the users genuinely need as I was about to design the solution from their insights.

After the user persona, I drafted out the solution with the approach of knowing their psychology and understanding what the users felt about solving the problem.

User Flow

After I had developed the user persona by understanding their behavior and demographic, I then created the flow that connected the user with the app seamlessly. While doing this, I understood what was important for the user through the flow before I embarked on the sketching.

Ideate and Prototype

Based on the outlined user flow, I created an initial wireframe that served as foundational framework for the main problem I had defined earlier. The process of doing this taught me about crafting out a compelling solution for the user.


The low-fi was an interpretation to the solution I created for this project; by understanding the users and developing an intuitive approach that touched based on their insight.


After the low fi, I now began to build the solution in a realistic manner that helped me achieve the users’ goals and make the mobile worthy for them to use.


Engaged with 5 users in the prototyping testing. I collected their valuable feedback to refine and enhance the experience of the product, ensuring it better meets their needs and preference of the target audience.


  1. The app is complex to navigate and I struggle to understand how to see the monitoring page.
  2. I prefer to have an option on the kind of payment plan in the app, this gives the user the decision to pick from.
  3. The app statistics page is not straightforward, I will prefer to have it simple instead of too much content on the page. This gives me the user the access to know what I want to that particular page.


After the feedback from the user, I then began to rework those screens they made corrections on. The corrections made me understand that users have other eyes when looking at the product. With this development, I make sure that those corrections are improved on.

Thank you

Connect with me: 🤝


Phone: 08076926109

X: @Tude_Design0

LinkedIn: Babatunde Alaran

Babatunde Alaran

This page is for anything writing and design related. It tells design and fiction differently